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Half Wrap

Like a proud parent, we love all of our bus ad options equally. But… our Half Wrap bus ad is stunning, dynamic and engaging. We vowed we wouldn’t pick a favorite, but when there is something this eye-catching, it’s hard not to swoon. Please, don’t tell the other bus ads.

A Half Wrap is one of our signature options in which one full side of the bus is completely wrapped with your message. You are able to reach your audience in a larger-than-life way, but manage some of the space and production costs.

When you are planning out your marketing budget, remember that having 2 Half Wraps means that your message is on 2 buses circulating around the market. Twice the sets of eyes = twice the exposure! By choosing a Half Wrap option, you are getting all of the advantages of the moving 40 ft. billboard and reaching the most concentrated areas of the city.

Why choose a Half Wrap

High impact and retention
High reach and frequency, especially if you have two of those babies out in the market.
Project your message to your target audience in a large format that is directly at eye-level.

Like what you see? Contact us to get started.